Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blog Post #14: Hamlet Act 2

"You killed my father, prepare to die."

Or so goes the line from the latest moving picture I've seen. I cannot help but think that the character Inigo Montoya is much like my beloved Hamlet. Both have a father that was taken from them so suddenly and terribly, and both of them seek their revenge on the killers. Inigo tracks down the six fingered man only to deliver his line as said above. How dedicated he is too, to listen to his passion of avenging his father rather than listening to the reason of taking a human life. However, I do worry that the idea of revenge is toying with my beloved's mind. To take action against his uncle would consider him a "remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!" (2:2. 511-512) Or if he, "the son of a dear father murder'd, prompted to [his] revenge by heaven and hell" were not to heed the words of his dearest father, would listen to reason against such actions. He decision to listen to his passion or listen to his reason will one day drive him insane.

I feel as if the same conflict lies in his heart concerning his love for me. To listen to passion vs love, action vs inaction, is driving me to the end of my wits as well. I could see it in his eyes the night he came to see me, as "He rais'd a sigh so piteous and profound/ As it did seem to shatter all his bulk" (2:1. 92-93). Though "I did repel his letters and denied/His access to me" (2:1. 106-108) he came to me anyway, driven mad in his new found quest for revenge and reason. I can only imagine what my father would say if he were to hear of Hamlet's struggle, something like "As it is common for the younger sort/To lack discretion" (2:1. 114-115). Fie, how the struggle to keep our wits about us in such times soldiers on like a dark ghost in the night. Signed Ophelia, lover of Hamlet. #helpneeded #make up your mind or lose it

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