Thursday, December 18, 2014

Blog Post #20: Their Eyes Were Watching God Socratic Discussion #2 "Three Tasks"

Hamlet plans revenge
Claudius confesses murder
Fortinbras attacks kingdom

English literature has a funny and ironic way of repeating itself through many different pieces of work. In two completely unrelated pieces of work Their Eyes were Watching God and and The Black walnut Tree  seem to find great importance around the idea of nature, and more specifically, trees. Through these trees the idea of identity is relayed to the audience. The two women in The Black walnut Tree know that the tree is a piece of their heritage and therefore, and extension of themselves as who they are. if they were to get rid of the tree, "What my mother and I both know  is that we'd crawl with shame   in the emptiness we'd made  in our own and our fathers' backyard" (Oliver,1). In Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie sees the pear tree as who she wants to become, who she feels she is in her young teenage years, "Janie saw her life like a great tree in  leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn  and doom was in the branches. (Hurston, 11)." 

Though written hundreds of years apart, we, as readers, find ourselves once again discovering the similarities of two supporting characters of two pieces of English literature. Polonius is Claudius's left hand man, a brute force to be reckoned with. Nanny is Janie's grandmother, the one who raised her for her entire life.  The two characters treat their dependents like children, not as if they are literally their own, but they are trying to control their lives and command them to do what they expect without any argument. Polonius tells his daughter, Ophelia, that she "speaks like a green girl" (1.3.4) and won't allow her to marry Hamlet. And Nanny wants to marry Janie off because she believes, "you ain't no everyday chile like most of 'em...neither can you stand alone by yo'self" (Hurston, 15).

Blog Post #19: TEWWG "Say, Mean, Matter" chart

Friday, December 5, 2014

Blog Post #18: Hamlet Essay Final Draft

Blog Post #17: Hamlet Act 5

For the song to play at Ophelia's funeral I chose If I Die Young by the Band Perry. I found this song to be very appropriate for Ophelia's death seeing as she does in fact die young not long after her father. In Ophelia's conversation with her brother, Laertes, she says to him, "Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven" (1.3.48). I saw the word "thorny" as being like a rose, beautiful and thorny. One of the very first lyrics of the song is "lay me down on a bed of roses". When Ophelia dies, she is wearing the white nightgown from days before, and is again buried in white much like when the song also says "and I'll be wearing white". Ophelia's death comes to her by water, and as the singer of the band Perry talks about how to bury her she sings "sink me in the river at dawn" where Ophelia will have "drowned, drowned" (4.4.182).

 As we as the readers know, Ophelia is madly in love with Hamlet, and as he goes mad she goes mad as well. The song talks about a "boy here in town says he'll love me forever" much like how Hamlet has "of late made many tenders/Of his affection" (1.1.99-100). But it may as well be when the soul "lends the tongue vows" (1.1.117). In the midst of Ophelia's madness she sings her thoughts in the form of songs; "sweet lady, what imports this song?" (4.5.27). And as the song begins to end the singer sings, "maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing" as if trying to get her point across much the way that Ophelia has.

 If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song,
Uh oh, Uh oh Lord make me a rainbow,
 I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors
Oh, and, life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even grey, but sheburies her baby
 The sharp knife of a short life
Oh well, I've had just enough time
 If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
 The sharp knife of a short life
Oh well, I've had just enough time
 And I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom
As green as the ring on my little cold finger
I've never known the loving of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
 There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by
The sharp knife of a short life
Oh well, I've had just enough time
 So put on your best, boys and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done
A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing
Funny, when you're dead how people start listen'n
 If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn'
Send me away with the words of a love song
 The ballad of a dove
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them,
The sharp knife of a short life oh
Well, I've had just enough time
So put on your best boys
And I'll wear my pearls

Blog Post #16: Hamlet Act 4

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blog Post #15: Hamlet Act 3

The audience sees very much of Hamlet during his soliloquy. Before we see him as a man who is troubled over the death of his father, and then upset over his mother's marriage, and finally as a vengeful son trying to perform an antic disposition to trick his mother and stepfather. It is not until his moment of silence and character performance that one can see through his mad brain to what he really thinks and how his processes the "whips and scorns of time."

No movie is ever the same. Similar, yes. But, each and every director has their own mark on it through the vision handed to the audience for their pleasure. In analyzing the four versions of Hamlet's soliloquy, I found the Kenneth Branagh version to be the most stirring out of all of them. However, it wasn't by the merit of the actors that made the choice for me but the way I saw each character inside of the actors.

Many aspects of movie making contributed to my choice of Kenneth Branagh. The first was costuming because I felt that the blackness of Hamlet's mourning clothes eventually becomes a symbol of the darkness that he succumbs to while pretending to be insane but also being driven mad by the decision of action vs inaction (love, revenge,, death, etc.). Second is camera angles. Whereas all the other scenes were from several angles and takes, if one is to think about it, Kenneth Branagh's entire soliloquy is delivered in one single camera angle. That means that whatever emotion and distress we witnessed from him is indeed genuine and so incredibly crafted.  The sound is also very important. In the Lawrence Olivier version of Hamlet, and eerie orchestral music plays in the background as to instill panic in the audience. That is one thing the audience may notice during Kenneth's performance: there's no sound but his voice. Rather than letting the music do the job, the silence allows for the captivating, dramatic moment that the director most likely was striving for. The lighting in the Mel Gibson version performed a dark and dreary tone to the scene as he contemplates life and death. Though the soliloquy is meant to be intense, I feel as if the gray lighting of the tomb is far to much to make a point. In the Branagh version, the bright, airy lighting of the grand and golden hall depicts a stark contrast to Hamlet's mood and costuming; a dark deep color that is slowly seeping itself through the play. Last is setting. Though I will admit that the setting of Ethan Hawke's version of Hamlet is indeed modern and clever, the setting played an important part in understanding the character Hamlet. Kenneth Branagh stands in the grand hall before a mirror, and behind the mirror stands his uncle and Polonius, watching him. If it were not for this setting and this two way mirror, the director would not be able to show Claudius's slow understanding (and frustration) of Hamlet's insanity.

My ranking goes as such: Kenneth Branagh, Ethan Hawke, Mel Gibson, Lawrence Olivier. Each version had their shining moment containing one important aspect of a mis en scene. Kenneth Branagh's version just happened to have them all.

Blog Post Extra Credit: Character Selfie

In this selfie taken by the character Hamlet, he is expressing his anger through his facial expression and balled up fist. This picture therefore reflects the deadly sin of wrath. He is angry about the most recent breakup with his girlfriend, Ophelia, and is using Instagram to spread the news of his breakup. At the same time, the breakup is driving him slowly insane, which is why his ex-girlfriend comments with "Oh what a noble mind is here o'er thrown" and he comments back with "Get thee to a nunnery" because he is still very upset about his breakup. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blog Post #14: Hamlet Act 2

"You killed my father, prepare to die."

Or so goes the line from the latest moving picture I've seen. I cannot help but think that the character Inigo Montoya is much like my beloved Hamlet. Both have a father that was taken from them so suddenly and terribly, and both of them seek their revenge on the killers. Inigo tracks down the six fingered man only to deliver his line as said above. How dedicated he is too, to listen to his passion of avenging his father rather than listening to the reason of taking a human life. However, I do worry that the idea of revenge is toying with my beloved's mind. To take action against his uncle would consider him a "remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!" (2:2. 511-512) Or if he, "the son of a dear father murder'd, prompted to [his] revenge by heaven and hell" were not to heed the words of his dearest father, would listen to reason against such actions. He decision to listen to his passion or listen to his reason will one day drive him insane.

I feel as if the same conflict lies in his heart concerning his love for me. To listen to passion vs love, action vs inaction, is driving me to the end of my wits as well. I could see it in his eyes the night he came to see me, as "He rais'd a sigh so piteous and profound/ As it did seem to shatter all his bulk" (2:1. 92-93). Though "I did repel his letters and denied/His access to me" (2:1. 106-108) he came to me anyway, driven mad in his new found quest for revenge and reason. I can only imagine what my father would say if he were to hear of Hamlet's struggle, something like "As it is common for the younger sort/To lack discretion" (2:1. 114-115). Fie, how the struggle to keep our wits about us in such times soldiers on like a dark ghost in the night. Signed Ophelia, lover of Hamlet. #helpneeded #make up your mind or lose it

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog Post #13: Hamlet Act 1 Blog

Oh, how I curse this day. My father has told me that of which I do not wish to hear, while encouraging my dearest brother to follow his own wishes. It is ironic, no? But not so unbelievable either that a father would give his blessings and wishes to his only son while forbidding those of his dearest daughter. I fear I must elaborate. Today, during the festivity of King Claudius and Queen Gertrude's marriage celebration, my brother did say to the king, "My thoughts and wishes bend again toward France/And bow them to your gracious leave and pardon. (1.2.55-56)" The king and my father gave only their acceptance and allowed him a gracious leave. Whence we conversed with my father later, he again expressed his thoughts when saying "This above all: to thine own self be true.../Farewell: my blessing season this in thee! (1.2. 78,81)" The irony came when he turned to me to pry upon my love for my dearest Hamlet. "And in that way of caution, I must tell you/You do not understand yourself so clearly (1.3.95-96)." How dare he think that I, as a grown woman, do not understand myself nor the love I have for another. "He hath, my lord, of late made many tenders of his affection to me (1.3.99-100)" I told him, but that seemed to make him despise my love even more. His command was simple, swift, and understood, "Look to't, I charge you:come your ways (1.3.135)." As he is my father, I have no other choice but to obey him and his command, it is not my place to argue such a subject, no matter how much I may love my Hamlet. What is there to do? Do I follow my heart or that of my father's command? Do I act on my love or do I lie in waiting for the day my heart breaks as he marries another?" Oh, fie. Ophelia, lover of Hamlet.

Blog Post #12: Hamlet Characters Discussion

In my blog about the characters of Hamlet I have decided to focus on the perspective of Ophelia, Polonius's daughter. I was really drawn to experimenting with and learning about her character because it was incredibly hard to be a woman in the time of the play. She was constantly told what to do and eventually driven mad by her decisions and expectations from everyone around her, and couldn't voice her opinion in what she wanted and the decisions she made. Similarly, the theme that I chose is 'action vs. inaction' because of Ophelia's inability to follow what her heart said because of what her father demanded of her (inaction) and actually having that passionate love to take part in with Hamlet throughout the play (action). Ophelia can be considered very social media relevant is because due to the increase in blogging, tweeting, facebooking, vineing, etc, the idea of feminism and women voicing their own opinions has become a very big fad. Therefore, if Ophelia were placed in our time, she would be able to make her own choices and be with Hamlet like she wanted to and even tweet about it.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Blog Post #10: Dream Child Thesis Revision

Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Post #9: Grammar Quiz Scores

Blog Post #8: Root Word Presentation

Friday, October 3, 2014

Blog Post #7: Pan's Labyrinth

Blog Post #6: Fairy Tale Presentation Continued

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Blog Post #4: "Roots" Extension

“Owen's voice wavered. He closed his eyes, then opened them again. 'You told me once that a soul isn't something a person is born with but something that must be built, by effort and error, study and love. And you did that with more dedication than most, that work of building a soul-- not for your own benefit but for the benefit of those who knew you. Which is partly why your death is so hard for us. it's hard to accept that a soul like yours, which took a lifetime to build, could cease to exist. It makes us angry, furious at the universe, not to have you here. But of course, your soul does exist, Guert, because you gave so much of it so unstintingly. It exists in your book, and in this school, and also in each of us. For that we'll always be grateful.' Owen looked up, lifting the beam of his reading light. It passed over each of them again. He smiled. 'And we'll miss your corporal form, which was also nice.' Pella was weeping like crazy, as quietly as she could. That stuff about making a soul--she wondered whether her dad had really said it, or whether Owen had derived it himself, as a sort of synthesis of what her dad believed. Either way it was remarkable, and she glimpsed for the first time how close they were, how their relationship may not have been a static, one-sided kind of smitten worship, as she lazily imagined it, but a real and powerful thing. She was shivering, and Mike put his arm around her. Despite the appalling heat of the day before and the day to come, despite the heat of the scotch she'd been drinking, the four a.m. breeze that came over the water felt cutting and frigid. It was time for her to say something, to do right by her father somehow, but it was impossible, there was too much to say and no way to say it. Owen reached across and handed her something. A piece of paper, folded into quarters. She unfolded it, but it was too dark to see. "Here." Owen took of his Harpooners cap and, as Pella leaned forward, placed it on her head. In the beam of the battery powered light she could see what he handed her; a typed copy of 'The Lee Shore,' the short chapter of Moby Dick that was her father's favorite piece of writing, the source of his old password, and, not incidentally, the poetic epitaph of a brave and handsome man. She'd known it by heart since she was six, and once she'd started she didn't need the page. When her dad recited it in lecture he did so with a stage actor's vigor, shouting his was through the exclamation points, as if to remind the students that old books contained strong feelings. She couldn't do that now, but in a hushed way she tried to do the passage justice. Mike squeezed her hand. When she finished, Mike took a pair of scissors form his pocket and cut slits in the bag, so that it would fill with water and sink. He and Henry knelt beside the body, cradled its length with both arms, and, very slowly so as not to capsize them all, scooped Affenlight up and over the side."

Blog Post #3: "BWT" Performance

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Blog Post #2: Roots

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog Post #1:Establishing the Blog

Blog Post #1: Establishing the blog
For the first startup for my blog I chose an Ethereal Template with a fade of color and faint outlines of flowers and butterflies scattered throughout the background. I gravitated towards this template because the flowers and butterflies relayed a peaceful message to me as a reader, which I prefer my reading experiences to be like; calm and relaxing. It implies a love of nature that I share as a self-considered romantic. It also brings a touch of brightness to the environment, much like I try to do as a person and as a friend to others. The distinct blue color is also a favorite of mine. Though it is said that blues "lower the pulse" I would believe that it also brings an excitement when seen by others, especially me.

The font I chose is titled "Georgia". Though I am unsure how it relates to the fine state at all. Whereas it is somewhat similar to Times New Roman, it has a more feminine curl to it while staying professional. Not bulky or blocky, a simple solid yet calming font type to match the feel of this blog. The grey color isn't a stark black contrast to the fade-in of blue in the background either. It keeps the whole feel of the blog calm and low-stress.

Now where's that "POST" button?