Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Blog Post #2: Roots

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog Post #1:Establishing the Blog

Blog Post #1: Establishing the blog
For the first startup for my blog I chose an Ethereal Template with a fade of color and faint outlines of flowers and butterflies scattered throughout the background. I gravitated towards this template because the flowers and butterflies relayed a peaceful message to me as a reader, which I prefer my reading experiences to be like; calm and relaxing. It implies a love of nature that I share as a self-considered romantic. It also brings a touch of brightness to the environment, much like I try to do as a person and as a friend to others. The distinct blue color is also a favorite of mine. Though it is said that blues "lower the pulse" I would believe that it also brings an excitement when seen by others, especially me.

The font I chose is titled "Georgia". Though I am unsure how it relates to the fine state at all. Whereas it is somewhat similar to Times New Roman, it has a more feminine curl to it while staying professional. Not bulky or blocky, a simple solid yet calming font type to match the feel of this blog. The grey color isn't a stark black contrast to the fade-in of blue in the background either. It keeps the whole feel of the blog calm and low-stress.

Now where's that "POST" button?